Naturopathic Intravenous (IV) Therapy

What is IV therapy?

If you are under stress or have digestive problems, you may need extra help absorbing nutrients and medicines. Taking supplements by mouth can be helpful, but intravenous (IV) therapy guarantees that all of the medicine is entering your bloodstream.

Dr. Nicole Hwang ND is qualified to administer IV therapy allowing her to safely and effectively deliver this powerful form of therapy to her clients.

Each naturopathic IV therapy that Dr. Nicole Hwang delivers is customized to your specific needs.

Naturopathic IV therapy is helpful for many conditions including digestive issues, adrenal fatigue, athletic performance, wound healing, low vitamin levels, chronic stress, chronic fatigue, headaches/migraines, and many more.



Many clients are suffering from digestive issues. These issues affect the absorption of nutrients they need to stay healthy and thrive. Dr. Nicole Hwang offers nutrient cocktails catered to the individual person's deficiencies. As well, Dr. Hwang offers IV therapies that can assist in specific digestive issues.


Adrenal Fatigue

If you are often feeling tired and worn-out, even while getting enough sleep, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Dr. Hwang has several combinations of IV therapies that can help strengthen your immune system and reenergize you.



Many athletes understand the importance of proper nutrition and exercise for recovery. However, sometimes they need extra help in getting key micronutrients in the levels that they need to perform at the highest levels. Dr. Nicole Hwang will cater your treatment to your individual performance needs.


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